Resource Hub
Expert resources, toolkits and publications to support your work with and for young people.
Resources to help you have an impact: whether you’re a youth worker looking for toolkits and ready to go activities, an advocate looking for reports you can cite in a brief, or a journalist looking for reliable data, NYCI resources can help your work on issues affecting young people.
Publications Library
Access expert resources to support your work with young people.
Youth Arts Toolkit
Inspiration and resources for using creativity in your youth work – over 100 articles covering all aspects of youth arts!
Youth Mental Health Signposting
One of the key findings from the Mental Health Needs Assessment, carried out by the National Youth Health Programme in 2015, was the need to support organisations, practitioners and young people access appropriate mental health services. In response to this need a Youth Mental Health Signposting tool was developed.
Web Safety in Youth Work
This resource from has been created to support those who work with young people in all youth work organisations who often share similar concerns, risks and challenges to ensure all young people, staff, volunteers are safe online.
Map of Youth Work Activities for Young Asylum Seekers
We have developed this online resource to support young asylum seekers and refugees to take part in youth groups and youth work activities in their area.
Map of Development Education in Youth Work
This online resource maps current Development Education and SDG focused youth work across the country.
Research, submissions and advocacy documents
NYCI advocates on issues which impact on young people, on our member organisations and on the youth work sector.
Connected: Digital Media Literacy Programme for Teens
NYCI’s Child Protection Programme in collaboration with Webwise to adapt its “Connected” school programme to provide a resource that contains information, workshops, and practical activities that can be used by youth workers and volunteers in their work with young people.
Become a member of the NYCI
Join the representative body for youth organisations in Ireland and take advantage of the benefits for your organisation